Category Archives: Laparoscopic Gynaecology

Uterine Fibroids Treatment in Rohini

Uterine Fibroids

Comprehensive Guide to Uterine Fibroids Treatment at Laser Stone Hospital in Rohini

Understanding Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas or myomas, are non-cancerous growths that develop in or on the uterus. These benign tumors are composed of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue. Although the exact cause of uterine fibroids remains unclear, factors such as hormonal imbalances, genetic predispositions, and environmental influences are believed to play significant roles.

There are several types of uterine fibroids, categorized based on their location within the uterus. Intramural fibroids are the most common, found within the muscular wall of the uterus. Subserosal fibroids extend beyond the uterine wall into the pelvic cavity, while submucosal fibroids develop underneath the uterine lining and can protrude into the uterine cavity. Additionally, pedunculated fibroids grow on a stalk either outside or inside the uterus.

Fibroids can significantly impact a woman’s health and quality of life. Common symptoms include heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged periods, pelvic pain, frequent urination, constipation, and backache. Some women may also experience reproductive issues such as infertility, recurrent miscarriages, or complications during pregnancy and labor.

Several risk factors are associated with the development of uterine fibroids. These include age, with women in their 30s and 40s being most commonly affected, and ethnicity, as African American women are more likely to develop fibroids than women of other ethnicities. Other risk factors include obesity, a family history of fibroids, early onset of menstruation, and a diet high in red meat and low in green vegetables, fruits, and dairy.

Statistical data indicate that up to 70% of women will develop fibroids by the age of 50, with a higher prevalence observed in African American women compared to Caucasian women. Understanding these risk factors and symptoms is crucial for early detection and effective management of uterine fibroids.

Diagnostic Procedures for Uterine Fibroids

Detecting uterine fibroids accurately is critical for effective treatment. Various diagnostic procedures are employed to identify the presence, size, and location of fibroids. Among these, imaging techniques such as ultrasound, MRI, and CT scans play a pivotal role.

Ultrasound is often the first step in the diagnostic process. This non-invasive technique utilizes high-frequency sound waves to create detailed images of the uterus. A transvaginal ultrasound, where the probe is inserted into the vagina, provides a closer and more precise view of fibroids compared to an abdominal ultrasound. Ultrasound imaging is particularly useful due to its accessibility and cost-effectiveness.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) offers a more comprehensive view of fibroids, especially in cases where ultrasound results are inconclusive. MRI uses strong magnets and radio waves to produce high-resolution images of the uterus and surrounding structures. This technique is beneficial for mapping fibroids before surgical interventions and for differentiating fibroids from other pelvic masses.

Computed Tomography (CT) scans, though less commonly used for fibroid detection, can still provide valuable information. CT scans combine X-ray images taken from different angles to create cross-sectional images of the body. This method is particularly useful in complex cases where detailed anatomical information is required.

In addition to imaging techniques, other diagnostic tools such as hysteroscopy and laparoscopy are employed. Hysteroscopy involves the insertion of a thin, lighted tube through the cervix into the uterus, allowing direct visualization of the uterine cavity. This procedure is particularly effective in diagnosing submucosal fibroids. Laparoscopy, on the other hand, involves making small incisions in the abdomen to insert a camera, providing a clear view of the outer surface of the uterus and other pelvic organs.

Early detection through routine gynecological exams is crucial in managing fibroid-related health issues. Regular pelvic exams can help in identifying fibroids before they cause significant symptoms or complications. Early diagnosis allows for a wider range of treatment options, potentially preventing the need for more invasive procedures.

Treatment Options for Uterine Fibroids at Laser Stone Hospital

Laser Stone Hospital in Rohini offers a comprehensive range of treatments for uterine fibroids, catering to various patient needs and medical conditions. The hospital’s multidisciplinary approach ensures that each patient receives personalized care, starting with a thorough diagnosis to determine the most suitable treatment plan. Among the non-surgical treatment options are medication and hormonal therapy, which aim to manage symptoms and reduce the size of fibroids.

Medications primarily include Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists, which help shrink fibroids by lowering estrogen and progesterone levels. Other medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, can alleviate pain and heavy menstrual bleeding, while oral contraceptives may regulate menstrual cycles and reduce symptoms. Hormonal therapy, involving progestin-releasing intrauterine devices (IUDs), can also be effective in controlling excessive bleeding and fibroid growth.

For patients requiring surgical intervention, Laser Stone Hospital is equipped with advanced technologies to perform minimally invasive procedures. Uterine artery embolization (UAE) is a notable method, where tiny particles are injected into the uterine arteries to block blood flow to the fibroids, causing them to shrink. This procedure is particularly beneficial for those seeking a quicker recovery and fewer complications compared to traditional surgery.

Laparoscopic myomectomy is another minimally invasive surgical option available at the hospital. This procedure involves the removal of fibroids through small incisions in the abdomen, preserving the uterus and offering a shorter recovery period. The use of laparoscopic techniques ensures minimal scarring and reduced post-operative pain, making it a preferred choice for many patients.

A distinctive feature of Laser Stone Hospital is its utilization of advanced laser technology for fibroid removal. This innovative approach allows for precise targeting of fibroids, minimizing damage to surrounding tissues and enhancing the overall success rates of the procedures. The benefits of laser treatments include shorter hospital stays, quicker recovery times, and a significant reduction in the risk of complications.

Patient Care and Support Services at Laser Stone Hospital

At Laser Stone Hospital in Rohini, patient care and support services are of utmost importance. The hospital ensures that every patient receives comprehensive care starting from the initial consultation to post-treatment follow-up. During the pre-treatment consultations, patients undergo thorough evaluations by specialized medical professionals. These consultations are designed to understand the patient’s medical history, current health status, and specific needs, allowing the development of personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s condition.

Once a treatment plan is established, patients are guided through every step of their journey. The hospital’s staff is dedicated to providing a supportive and compassionate environment, ensuring that patients feel comfortable and informed throughout their treatment. Post-treatment follow-up care is an integral part of the patient care protocol at Laser Stone Hospital. Regular check-ups and monitoring ensure that patients are recovering well and that any potential complications are addressed promptly.

The hospital takes pride in its patient testimonials and success stories, which highlight the exceptional care and positive outcomes experienced by many. These testimonials reflect the hospital’s commitment to patient well-being and satisfaction. By sharing these success stories, Laser Stone Hospital aims to provide reassurance and hope to those undergoing treatment for uterine fibroids.

For those looking to book an appointment, the hospital offers a straightforward process. Appointments can be scheduled through their website or by contacting the hospital directly. Additionally, Laser Stone Hospital understands the financial concerns that may arise with medical treatments. Therefore, they provide information on insurance coverage and offer financial assistance options to ensure that patients have access to the necessary care without undue financial burden.

In summary, Laser Stone Hospital’s dedication to patient care and support services underscores their commitment to delivering high-quality medical treatment and ensuring patient satisfaction. From personalized treatment plans to compassionate follow-up care, the hospital strives to make every patient’s journey as smooth and successful as possible.

Ovarian cysts

Ovarian Cysts

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs that develop on the ovaries. They are a common condition among women of reproductive age, and while they are usually benign, they can sometimes cause pain and other symptoms. Here is some detailed information about ovarian cysts.

Causes of Ovarian Cysts

There are several potential causes of ovarian cysts, including:

  1. Hormonal imbalances: Ovarian cysts can develop as a result of hormonal imbalances, such as those that occur during the menstrual cycle.
  2. Endometriosis: This is a condition in which the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside of the uterus, and can lead to the formation of cysts on the ovaries.
  3. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): This is a hormonal disorder that can cause the ovaries to develop numerous small cysts.
  4. Pregnancy: Ovarian cysts can sometimes develop during pregnancy, but they usually disappear on their own after the baby is born.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts

Many women with ovarian cysts do not experience any symptoms, and the cysts are often discovered during a routine pelvic exam or imaging test. However, some women may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen or pelvis
  2. Bloating or pressure in the abdomen
  3. Difficulty urinating or frequent urination
  4. Pain during sexual intercourse
  5. Irregular menstrual periods
  6. Fatigue or weakness

Diagnosis and Treatment of Ovarian Cysts

If a doctor suspects that a woman has an ovarian cyst, they may perform a pelvic exam and imaging tests such as an ultrasound or MRI to confirm the diagnosis. Depending on the size and type of the cyst, treatment options may include:

  1. Watchful waiting: If the cyst is small and not causing any symptoms, a doctor may recommend simply monitoring it with regular check-ups and imaging tests.
  2. Medications: Hormonal birth control pills or other medications can help regulate hormone levels and prevent the development of new cysts.
  3. Surgery: If the cyst is large or causing severe symptoms, a doctor may recommend surgery to remove it. This can be done through a laparoscopic procedure, which involves making small incisions in the abdomen and using a small camera to guide the removal of the cyst.

Complications of Ovarian Cysts

While most ovarian cysts are benign and do not cause complications, there is a risk of the cysts rupturing or becoming twisted, which can cause severe pain and potentially lead to infection or other complications. In rare cases, ovarian cysts may be cancerous, and prompt medical attention is necessary if there is any concern about the possibility of cancer.

Preventing Ovarian Cysts

While there is no guaranteed way to prevent ovarian cysts from developing, there are steps that women can take to reduce their risk of developing this condition. These include:

  1. Using contraception: Hormonal birth control pills or other forms of contraception can help regulate hormone levels and prevent the development of new cysts.
  2. Maintaining a healthy weight: Women who are overweight or obese may be more likely to develop ovarian cysts, so maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise may be helpful.
  3. Managing underlying conditions: Conditions such as endometriosis or PCOS may contribute to the development of ovarian cysts, so managing these conditions through medication or other treatments may be helpful.
  4. Seeking prompt medical attention: If you experience symptoms of ovarian cysts, such as abdominal pain or irregular menstrual periods, seek medical attention right away. Early diagnosis and treatment can help prevent complications and reduce the risk of the condition becoming more severe.

In conclusion, ovarian cysts are a common condition among women of reproductive age, and while they are usually benign, they can sometimes cause pain and other symptoms. Women who experience symptoms of ovarian cysts, such as abdominal pain, irregular menstrual periods, or difficulty urinating, should seek medical attention right away.

While there is no guaranteed way to prevent ovarian cysts from developing, maintaining a healthy weight, using contraception, managing underlying conditions such as endometriosis or PCOS, and seeking prompt medical attention can help reduce the risk of complications and promote overall reproductive health. With proper diagnosis and treatment, women with ovarian cysts can manage their symptoms and enjoy good quality of life.

Uterine Prolapse Treatment in Rohini

Uterine Prolapse

Uterine prolapse is a condition in which the uterus descends into the vaginal canal due to weakened pelvic floor muscles and ligaments. This can cause discomfort, pain, and difficulty with bowel and bladder function. In severe cases, it can even lead to the uterus protruding from the vagina.

Causes of Uterine Prolapse

Uterine prolapse is caused by a weakening of the muscles and ligaments that support the uterus and hold it in place within the pelvis. This weakening can occur due to a variety of factors, including:

  1. Pregnancy and childbirth: The pelvic floor muscles and ligaments can become stretched and weakened during pregnancy and childbirth, particularly with multiple or difficult deliveries.
  2. Menopause: The decline in estrogen levels that occurs during menopause can cause the muscles and tissues of the pelvic floor to weaken.
  3. Chronic coughing: Chronic coughing, such as from smoking or lung disease, can put pressure on the pelvic floor and contribute to its weakening.
  4. Obesity: Excess weight can place strain on the pelvic floor muscles, leading to weakness over time.
  5. Heavy lifting: Repeated heavy lifting can strain the muscles of the pelvic floor, contributing to their weakening.

Symptoms of Uterine Prolapse

The symptoms of uterine prolapse can vary depending on the severity of the condition. Mild prolapse may not cause any noticeable symptoms, while severe prolapse can be very uncomfortable and interfere with daily activities. Some common symptoms of uterine prolapse include:

  1. Feeling of pressure or heaviness in the pelvis
  2. Discomfort or pain during sexual intercourse
  3. Difficulty emptying the bladder completely
  4. Urinary incontinence or urgency
  5. Constipation or difficulty with bowel movements
  6. Vaginal bleeding or discharge
  7. Visible bulge or protrusion of the uterus from the vagina

Diagnosis of Uterine Prolapse

To diagnose uterine prolapse, a healthcare provider will perform a physical exam, including a pelvic exam, to assess the position of the uterus within the pelvis. They may also order imaging tests, such as an ultrasound or MRI, to get a clearer picture of the prolapse and determine the extent of the condition.

Treatment of Uterine Prolapse

There are several treatment options for uterine prolapse, depending on the severity of the condition and the patient’s individual needs and preferences. Some treatment options include:

  1. Pelvic floor exercises: Also known as Kegel exercises, these exercises can help strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor, which can help support the uterus and prevent further prolapse.
  2. Vaginal pessary: A pessary is a device inserted into the vagina to provide support for the uterus and prevent it from prolapsing further. Pessaries come in various shapes and sizes and must be fitted by a healthcare provider.
  3. Surgery: In severe cases of uterine prolapse, surgery may be necessary to remove the uterus or repair the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments. There are several different surgical procedures that can be performed, depending on the extent of the prolapse and the patient’s individual needs and preferences.
  4. Hormone therapy: Estrogen replacement therapy may be recommended for women in menopause to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and tissues.

Prevention of Uterine Prolapse

While not all cases of uterine prolapse can be prevented, there are steps that women can take to reduce their risk of developing the condition. Some preventive measures include:

  1. Maintaining a healthy weight: Excess weight can put strain on the pelvic floor muscles, contributing to their weakening over time. Maintaining a healthy weight through regular exercise and a balanced diet can help reduce the risk of uterine prolapse.
  2. Practicing good bowel habits: Straining during bowel movements can put pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, leading to their weakening. To prevent this, women should aim to maintain regular bowel habits by drinking plenty of water, eating a high-fiber diet, and using the bathroom as soon as they feel the urge to go.
  3. Avoiding heavy lifting: Repeated heavy lifting can strain the muscles of the pelvic floor, leading to their weakening over time. Women should avoid lifting heavy objects whenever possible and use proper lifting techniques when lifting objects that cannot be avoided.
  4. Practicing pelvic floor exercises: Regular pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, can help strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and prevent uterine prolapse. To perform Kegel exercises, women should tighten and release the muscles used to stop the flow of urine, holding the contraction for a few seconds before releasing and repeating.
  5. Managing chronic coughing: Chronic coughing, such as from smoking or lung disease, can put pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, contributing to their weakening over time. Women should aim to manage chronic coughing through lifestyle changes or medical treatment, such as quitting smoking or using prescribed medication.
  6. Seeking treatment for pelvic organ prolapse: Women who have experienced pelvic organ prolapse in the past are at increased risk for uterine prolapse. Seeking prompt and appropriate treatment for pelvic organ prolapse can help prevent further weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and reduce the risk of uterine prolapse in the future.

Overall, while not all cases of uterine prolapse can be prevented, taking these steps to reduce the risk of developing the condition can help women maintain good pelvic health and prevent the discomfort and inconvenience associated with uterine prolapse. Women who are experiencing symptoms of uterine prolapse should speak with their healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for their individual needs and preferences.

ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic Pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a serious medical condition that occurs when a fertilized egg implants outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes. This can cause serious complications and requires prompt medical attention. Here’s what you need to know about ectopic pregnancy:

Causes of Ectopic Pregnancy

The most common cause of ectopic pregnancy is a blockage or damage to the fallopian tubes, which can prevent the fertilized egg from reaching the uterus. Other factors that may increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy include:

  • Previous ectopic pregnancy
  • History of pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Endometriosis
  • History of tubal surgery
  • Fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Smoking

Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy may vary, but can include:

  • Abdominal pain, usually on one side
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Shoulder pain
  • Dizziness or fainting
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Weakness or fatigue

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention right away.

Diagnosis of Ectopic Pregnancy

Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy typically involves a combination of blood tests, ultrasound imaging, and a physical exam. Blood tests can measure the levels of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is produced during pregnancy. In an ectopic pregnancy, hCG levels may be lower than expected or may not rise as rapidly as they should.

Ultrasound imaging can help confirm the location of the pregnancy and identify any abnormalities. A physical exam may also be performed to check for signs of internal bleeding, which can be a serious complication of ectopic pregnancy.

Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy

Treatment of ectopic pregnancy depends on the severity of the condition and the overall health of the patient. In many cases, surgery is required to remove the ectopic pregnancy and repair any damage to the fallopian tubes. In some cases, medication may be used to dissolve the pregnancy, although this is typically only effective in very early ectopic pregnancies.

After treatment, it is important to monitor for any signs of complications, such as infection or internal bleeding. Follow-up appointments with a healthcare provider are typically recommended to ensure proper healing and recovery.

Prevention of Ectopic Pregnancy

While there is no guaranteed way to prevent ectopic pregnancy, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk, including:

  • Getting regular pelvic exams
  • Treating any underlying conditions that may increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy, such as pelvic inflammatory disease or endometriosis
  • Using contraception consistently and correctly
  • Seeking prompt medical attention if you experience symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

Overall, ectopic pregnancy is a serious medical condition that requires prompt diagnosis and treatment to prevent complications. If you experience any symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, it is important to seek medical attention right away.

Laparoscopic sterilization

Laparoscopic Sterilization

Laparoscopic sterilization, also known as tubal ligation, is a surgical procedure used to permanently prevent pregnancy in women. It involves blocking or sealing off the fallopian tubes, which are the tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. This prevents sperm from fertilizing the egg, thereby preventing pregnancy. Laparoscopic sterilization is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed using a laparoscope, a thin, lighted tube with a camera that is inserted through small incisions in the abdomen.

The Procedure:

Laparoscopic sterilization is usually performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. During the procedure, the surgeon makes two or three small incisions in the abdomen and inserts the laparoscope and other surgical instruments. The surgeon then locates the fallopian tubes and blocks or seals them off using one of several methods:

  1. Clips or rings: Small metal clips or rings are placed on the fallopian tubes, which block the tubes and prevent eggs from passing through.
  2. Electrocautery: A small electrical current is used to burn and seal the fallopian tubes shut.
  3. Coils or plugs: Small coils or plugs made of silicone or other materials are inserted into the fallopian tubes, which cause scar tissue to form and block the tubes.
  4. Cutting and tying: The fallopian tubes are cut and tied off, which prevents eggs from passing through.

After the procedure, the laparoscope and surgical instruments are removed, and the incisions are closed with stitches or surgical tape. The patient is then taken to a recovery room and monitored for a few hours before being discharged home.


Laparoscopic sterilization is a highly effective method of contraception, with a success rate of more than 99%. It is also a safe and minimally invasive procedure that is associated with fewer complications and a faster recovery time than traditional open surgery. Most women are able to return to their normal activities within a few days of the procedure.


While laparoscopic sterilization is generally considered safe, like any surgical procedure, it carries some risks. Possible complications of laparoscopic sterilization include bleeding, infection, damage to surrounding organs, and anesthesia-related complications. There is also a small risk of pregnancy occurring after the procedure, although this is rare.


While laparoscopic sterilization is considered a permanent form of contraception, it is possible to have the procedure reversed. However, reversal is a more complicated and invasive procedure than the original sterilization, and the success rates are lower. Therefore, it is important to consider laparoscopic sterilization as a permanent form of contraception before deciding to undergo the procedure.

In conclusion, laparoscopic sterilization is a safe, effective, and minimally invasive procedure for permanent contraception in women. It involves blocking or sealing off the fallopian tubes, which prevents sperm from fertilizing the egg and thereby prevents pregnancy. While it carries some risks, it is generally considered a safe and effective method of contraception, with a high success rate and a faster recovery time than traditional open surgery. It is important to discuss the risks and benefits of laparoscopic sterilization with a healthcare provider before deciding to undergo the procedure.

Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery

Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery

Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery (SILS) is a modern surgical technique that has been developed to minimize scarring and improve patient outcomes. SILS is a minimally invasive surgical procedure in which the surgeon makes a single small incision in the patient’s abdomen, through which a specialized laparoscope and surgical instruments are inserted.

Traditional laparoscopic surgery involves making multiple small incisions to insert the laparoscope and surgical instruments, but with SILS, the surgeon can perform the entire procedure through a single small incision. This can lead to less pain, reduced scarring, and a faster recovery time for the patient.

The SILS procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and may be used to treat a variety of conditions, including appendicitis, gallbladder disease, hernias, and ovarian cysts. The surgical instruments used in SILS are specially designed to be inserted through a single incision and manipulated by the surgeon to perform the necessary procedures.

Advantages of Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery

There are several advantages of SILS over traditional laparoscopic surgery, including:

  1. Reduced scarring: With SILS, only a single small incision is made, typically less than an inch in length. This can result in less visible scarring and improved cosmetic outcomes.
  2. Less pain: SILS typically causes less pain than traditional laparoscopic surgery, as there are fewer incisions and less tissue disruption.
  3. Faster recovery: Patients who undergo SILS typically experience a faster recovery time than those who undergo traditional laparoscopic surgery. They may be able to return to normal activities more quickly and experience less downtime.
  4. Reduced risk of infection: With SILS, there is only one incision site, which reduces the risk of infection compared to traditional laparoscopic surgery, which involves multiple incisions.
  5. Improved patient satisfaction: Patients who undergo SILS typically report higher levels of satisfaction with their surgical outcomes and overall experience.


Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery is a promising surgical technique that has many advantages over traditional laparoscopic surgery. While there are some limitations to the procedure, SILS offers reduced scarring, less pain, faster recovery, reduced risk of infection, and improved patient satisfaction. As with any surgical procedure, patients should discuss their options with their surgeon to determine if SILS is the right choice for their individual needs.